Youtube Template Html Css

Youtube Template Html Css

In this post, we are going to discuss how to create youtube like HTML5 template design. In case you are new and want to build basic understanding on HTML5 Template design, Check out below blog archive  topic :
HTML5 Layout Design From Scratch including header, article, footer tag etc.

Here we have designed simple example using HTML5 semantic elements and also it includes basic header and footer design. Refer the below diagram that help you to build more understanding on HTML5 template design.

youtube html template free, youtube background template html, youtube like html template,youtube style html template

Youtube style html5 template design :

Lets see the below source code to build youtube like layout design.
Youtube HTML 5 Layout Design.html

              <!DOCTYPE html>                                          <html>                                          <head>                                          <meta                                          charset              =              "utf-8"              >                                          <meta                                          http-equiv              =              "X-UA-Compatible"                                          content              =              "IE=edge,chrome=1"              >                                          <title>              HTML5 Template Design                            </title>                                          <meta                                          content              =              'HTML5 Template Design'                                          name              =              'description'                                          />                                          <meta                                          content              =              'width=device-width, initial-scale=1'                                          name              =              'viewport'                                          />                                          <link                                          rel              =              "stylesheet"                                          href              =              "style.css"                                          />                                          </head>                                          <body>                                                                      <div                                          id              =              "main-container"              >                                          <header                                          id              =              "header"              >                                          <section>                                          <img                                          src              =              "menu.png"                                          />                                          </section>                                          <section                                          style              =              "              font              -              size              :              24px              ;              "                                          >                                          <img                                          src              =              "youtube.png"                                          />                              Youtube                            </section>                                          <section>                                          <input                                          type              =              "text"                                          id              =              "search"                                          placeholder              =              "Search "                                          />                                          </section>                                          <section                                          style              =              "              background              -              color              :#              e5e5e5              ;              width              :              50px              ;              height              :              30px              ;              text              -              align              :              center              ;              "              >                                          <img                                          src              =              "search.png"                                          style              =              "              margin              -              top              :              3px              ;              "                                          />                                          </section>                                          </header>                                          <section                                          id              =              "main-body-container"                                          >                                          <article                                          id              =              "main-article"                                          >                                          <section                                          style              =              "              text              -              align              :                              center              ;              width              :              100              %;              "              >                                          <iframe                                          frameborder              =              "0"                                          style              =              "              min              -              width              :              99              %;              min              -              height              :              400px              ;              "                                          src              =              ""                                          ></iframe>                                          </section>                                          <h1>                              Social Networking Project                            </h1>                                          <section>                              I have created Small Project based on Social networking site. You can check out the demo at . Also you can share your Thoughts on this.    This PHP project is an example of functionality of dynamic pages using php source code.Throughout this project JavaScript is used for validations be it simple one or complex.Facebook is a software for social networking media.    Its a platform for sharing owr day-to-day life and thoughts by using electronic media.A totally new concept that is way ahead from the simple mail exchange andIM's facilitated by Yahoomail and other mail servers. Now a days it's widely used for sharingsome memorable movements of our life as-well-as bussiness growth by photo shairing.     The main types of social networking services contain category places(such as former school-year or classmates), means to connect with friends (usually with self-description pages), and a recommendation system linked to trust. One can categorize social-network services into three types:    socializing social network services used primarily for socializing with existing friends (e.g., Facebook)    networking social network services used primarily for non-social interpersonal communication (e.g., LinkedIn, a career- and employment-oriented site)    social navigation social network services used primarily for helping users to find specific information or resources (e.g., Goodreads for books)                            </section>                                          </article>                                          <aside                                          id              =              'sidebar'                                          >                                          <article                                          id              =              "slider-article"              >                                          <section                                          >                                          <iframe                                          style              =              "              min              -              width              :              20              %;              min              -              height              :              40px              ;              "                                          frameborder              =              "0"                                          src              =              ""                                          style              =              ""              ></iframe>                                          </section>                                          <h1>                              Submit Checkbox values in Form with JQuery/PHP                            </h1>                                          </article>                                          <article                                          id              =              "slider-article"              >                                          <section                                          >                                          <iframe                                          style              =              "              min              -              width              :              20              %;              min              -              height              :              40px              ;              "                                          frameborder              =              "0"                                          src              =              ""                                          style              =              ""              ></iframe>                                          </section>                                          <h1>                              Social Networking Project in PHP                            </h1>                                          </article>                                          <article                                          id              =              "slider-article"              >                                          <section                                          >                                          <iframe                                          style              =              "              min              -              width              :              20              %;              min              -              height              :              40px              ;              "                                          frameborder              =              "0"                                          src              =              ""                                          style              =              ""              ></iframe>                                          </section>                                          <h1>                              Using Google reCAPTCHA with PHP - Are you a Robot?                            </h1>                                          </article>                                          <article                                          id              =              "slider-article"              >                                          <section                                          >                                          <iframe                                          style              =              "              min              -              width              :              20              %;              min              -              height              :              40px              ;              "                                          frameborder              =              "0"                                          src              =              ""                                          style              =              ""              ></iframe>                                          </section>                                          <h1>                              Htaccess File Tutorial and Tips                            </h1>                                          </article>                                          </aside>                                          </section>                                          <footer                                          id              =              "footer"              >              Copyright ©                            <a                                          href              =              ""              >                                </a>                                          </footer>                                          </div>                                          </body>                                          </html>            

Stylesheet design for above html template.

              *                                          {                              margin              :                                          0px              ;                              padding              :                                          0px                                          }                              body              {                              background              -              color              :                                          #f9f9f9;                                          }                                          #main-container {                              width              :                                          100              %;                              margin              :                                          0px                                          auto              ;                                          }                                          #header {                              width              :                                          100              %;                              background              -              color              :                              white              ;                              padding              :                                          10px              ;                              color              :                              black              ;                              border              -              bottom              :              1px                              solid                            #f9f9f9;                                          }                                          #header:after {                              content              :                                          "."              ;                              display              :                              block              ;                              height              :                                          0              ;                              clear              :                              both              ;                              visibility              :                              hidden              ;                                          }                                          #header section {                                          float              :                              left              ;                              font              -              size              :                                          18px              ;                              font              -              weight              :                              bold              ;                              margin              -              right              :              22px              ;                                          }                              input              {                              display              :                              block              ;                              min              -              width              :                                          100              %;                              height              :                                          6px              ;                              padding              :                                          10px              ;                              border              :                              solid                            1px                                          #BDC7D8;                              width              :              300px              ;                              margin              -              left              :              22px              ;                                          }                                          #main-body-container {                              padding              :                                          10px              ;                              margin              :                                          0px                                          auto              ;                              width              :              80              %;                                          }                                          #main-body-container:after {                              content              :                                          "."              ;                              display              :                              block              ;                              height              :                                          0              ;                              clear              :                              both              ;                              visibility              :                              hidden              ;                                          }                                          #main-article {                                          float              :                              left              ;                              width              :                                          60              %;                              min              -              height              :                                          450px              ;                              margin              -              top              :              10px              ;                                          }                                          #sidebar {                                          float              :                              left              ;                              width              :                                          28              %;                              min              -              height              :                                          450px              ;                              margin              -              top              :              10px              ;                              margin              -              left              :              20px              ;                                          }                                          #slider-article{                              margin              -              bottom              :              10px              ;                                          }                                          #footer {                              width              :                                          100              %;                              background              -              color              :                                          #ccc;                              padding              :                                          10px              ;                                          }            


Download Link :

Demo Link :

This all about design of youtube like html template including header and footer design. Thank you for reading this article, and if you have any problem, have a another better useful solution about this article, please write message in the comment section.

Youtube Template Html Css



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